Life and mind
Life is the reality of life
Imagination is the source of
the mind. Mind says something else but life is the name of responsibility. The
struggle is for life. When the mind keeps on eating casserole. Life wants to
work hard day and night. But the mind can also stop him from doing so. Life is
truth and reality. The mind can also boast.
The mind can be controlled by means of life
It is not easy
to make changes in the life going on through the mind. No one has been able to
understand the world of the mind till date. If you try to understand life, then
the mind definitely starts to understand.
Wisdom is the true helper of life
Whatever the mind thinks,
but the work should be done in life with wisdom and discretion. For prosperity
the mind should be run according to life. Increased mind can also get stuck in
the way of prosperity. The successful struggle of life is to have control over
the mind. Control of the mind is very important for the upliftment of life.
Keep the mind busy towards those who are working in living
work diligently and to maintain one's existence, wisdom and discretion
accompanies everywhere. Never do anything in life that will cause any disorder
in the intellect. If the mind does not trust the mind, then it also comes, vice
and formless. But intellect is a pillar of wisdom for life.