Showing posts with label virtue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label virtue. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Thought that imagination of human life, the feeling of morality is a great knowledge in the development of life, having virtue creates concentration in life, in virtue, there is a lot of development of thought

Thought that what do we really need

Have we ever thought that what do we really need, why do we meet people, why we talk well, what is the reason, if we think once, then everything will be understood, we really need to know about them. Nothing is needed, their contact is necessary, it is necessary to take our things forward so that we can have contact, our business flourishes and our name should be there, this concept must be there, the basic thing is that for our contact to increase, there should be stability in the mind. There should be a feeling of love in talking to anyone, and by keeping it in such a way, concentration develops, which creates a feeling of love, which connects everyone to each other, talking with love will increase the contact. The person who does not have the feeling of love in his mind, then he is not fit to be human, in fact man should be virtuous, virtue is developed only by the feeling of love, which connects with each other and makes contact. And this leads to the progress of all of us.


Imagination of human life, the feeling of morality is a great knowledge in the development of life 

Having virtue creates concentration in life, in virtue, there is a lot of development of thought, due to which people mix, communication increases, awareness increases among people. It helps a lot in removing the obstacles coming from time to time, for the development of human life, we should imagine for our good mind every day, until we do not think organized and balanced, till there is no development of simplicity in life Concentration, modesty, virtue, these are the best things of all human beings.


Saturday, October 23, 2021

Life real knowledge means familiarity with reality which is essential in life. what is good? what is bad?

Knowledge information in English

Knowledge information in English from which there is any experience that answers the questions that arise in life. The importance of English is from the language. The language of World is mainly spoken in English. Knowledge is quality. Running towards knowledge is activity. Language English is a colloquial language.


Answer to the raising of the question

The answer to the raising of the question of knowledge is found through knowledge. Every question raised from time to time can be solved by knowledge only. Therefore knowledge is very important.


Knowledge Synonyms

Knowledge Synonyms Virtue, knowledge, teaching, education, study, erudition, introduction, scholarship, discretion, enlightenment, study, written, good speaking, good listening, goodness, understanding, instinct, equanimity, intelligence, sense, spirituality.


Knowledge means

Knowledge means familiarity with reality which is essential in life. what is good? what is bad? The experience of a single emotion which is a symbol of goodness. Divert your way to that side. Moving forward understanding every possible reality.


What is knowledge?

What is knowledge? PDF Knowledge is an experience. A PDF is a version of a computer in which a group of pictures or lines of handwriting are added one by one. The computer shows it all in turn in one page together in PDF or whatever is necessary. You can see it through this page. Similarly, in the PDF of life, there should be good words and good knowledge collection in knowledge. According to the knowledge that is needed, that knowledge should be understood and used.


How to pronounce wisdom?

How to pronounce wisdom? Pronounce with ease, humility, respect, carefully, happily, happily.


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