Sunday, August 29, 2021

Led lantern rechargeable In the modern system whatever small and big enterprises are becoming rechargeable which is equipped with batteries when the power is out those devices can be charged comfortably

Led lantern decorative

Led lanterns are a good choice for decorative whether wedding celebrations or birthday parties that take place in the garden or large space. Good for them is a beautiful decorative item. There is a gear in it, after being used, it becomes small when closed like a closed box, through the gear. Equipped with led light. Runs on battery. It can also charge when the battery is exhausted.


LED Lantern

Gives a great home décor item as well as illumination. Earlier lanterns which ran on kerosene oil and had to be lit. It is turned on with just one button. With good milking light, its light goes very far. Its lighting is very nice in the evening in the passage  outside the house. I like the logo too.


Led lantern rechargeable

In the modern system, whatever small and big enterprises are becoming rechargeable, which is equipped with batteries. When the power is out, those devices can be charged comfortably. It gets charged in 2 3hours which lasts for several days. Lanterns have also become rechargeable now. In which led light is installed, whose light gives milky light, whatever color is available to the mind, for this, the undertakings and manufacturers make with many colors of lights, so that the desired lantern can be obtained.


Led lantern outdoor

A very good option for outdoors can be considered led lanterns in which led lights are lit. Gives great light. A circular groove-like enclosure made of glass is light. It can be carried anywhere by keeping it comfortably with any luggage. Lights and electrical equipment are all safe. Runs on battery so no need to disconnect the power cord. A good lighting tool for outdoor walking or having fun.


Led lantern lights decorative

Decorative item is small but very useful item. For which no separate electricity is required. In remote areas where electricity is not available, it is a good option for small decorative work.


Hanging lantern lights outdoor

For lighting anywhere in the outdoors, it can be hung on a keel from a tree or pole. If there is no kill, then you can tie a string or rope and hang it in it too. It does not weigh much. There is no problem in hanging.


For lighting anywhere in the outdoors, it can be hung on a keel from a tree or pole. If there is no kill, then you can tie a string or rope and hang it in it too

Led Flashlight Black light flashlight earlier bulb and it can be run comfortably with any battery, these lights are mainly based on the battery

Cryket The light of the torch is milky and bright light, which consumes less electricity 

Flashlight is a bright light to be used at night. Breaking the darkness, the light of light is spread far and everything is visible, so that it is used to walk in the dark or find something. A torch made of LED light gives a lot of oil illumination. Flash light charger comes in both battery and normal battery. The charger is supposed to be good and long lasting. If there is no light in the house, first of all the flashlight torch is needed first. Due to which there is no fear of hitting any object due to walking in the dark. Very important items, torches must be kept in the house.



Wrist support brace the brace has been made for the wrist sleep support only at night. Usually the hands and wrists get tired due to the day's work

Night wrist sleep support brace

Carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis and tendons are all diseases of the hand. People suffering from it can't sleep at night due to pain and they can't sleep so an ideal wrist sleep support brace is


Sleeping wrist brace use

Sleeping wrist brace your compression carpal tunnel brace artificial therapeutic heat delivered via medication to improve circulation and enhance healing of the hand. Used to maintain it. This wrist splint with two adjustable straps normalizes the amount of compression to accurately reduce the impact to pain, swelling and inflammation of your right arm, left or both arm. Which gives relief from pain and discomfort of your hand. Due to which you get good sleep at night.


Night wrist sleep support brace

Support brace is used when, whenever there is a sprain or a hit in the hand, it can be put on immediately to support the hand. By which one can get relief from the unbearable pain in the hand. A little heat is felt by applying it. Which in a way works to make the hand in pain. It is made of those or hot materials. Handheld for comfortable support.

Wrist support brace

The brace has been made for the wrist sleep support only at night. Usually the hands and wrists get tired due to the day's work, then there is a feeling of spasm or pain in the wrist at night. Keeping in mind that the night sleep is disturbed, the brace has been made which gives relief from pain and swelling with mild warmth.

Cushioned to help with carpal tunnel and relieve and treat wrist pain adjustable fitted

List Price: $25.97 Details

Price: $10.97 ($10.97 / Count)

You Save: $15.00 (58%

Belt is best for gym requires a strong leather belt which is strong, durable and wide enough to support the waist firmly during gym exercises

Which belt is best for gym?

The gym requires a strong leather belt which is strong, durable and wide enough to support the waist firmly during gym exercises and prevent the paint from sliding off. It should be a little thick so that the belt never weakens and is always comfortable to wear.


What is the best leather weightlifting belt?

For weightlifting, only a thick leather belt is necessary, which is wide enough at the back and is very strong. By lifting any kind of weight, the emphasis falls on the waist, for that only a sufficiently balanced bandage at the back of the waist can be given by the belt. Due to which there is no stress on the waist and the person lifting the weight lifts the weight easily. 

Gym belt

The gym belt should be good and strong enough to support the waist evenly as a weightlifting belt should not be wider at the back and thinner at the front. A alt with the same width is suitable for gym. The belt should be made of leather or other strong material. If possible, it is best to get leather. No other belt has such strength.

Fitting belt

There are many enterprises that use the good and durable material of the belt, leather, to make the belt. USI Gym Belts, Kobo Gym Belts is a world renowned enterprise that manufactures good and strong belts.

For proper weight lifting form  in lower back support for squats deadlifts cross training

Saturday, August 28, 2021

प्रेरणा (Inspiration) मन में हरदम कुछ न कुछ खिचड़ी पका रहा होता है पर कभी उस खिचड़ी के स्वाद को भी लेने का प्रयास भी तो करे

प्रेरक (Inspiration) एक सोच है कर्म हमेसा सक्रीय है बहूत कुछ सोचने से अच्छा है कि कुछ करे और कुछ बन के दिखाए 

प्रेरक एक सोच है। कर्म हमेसा सक्रीय है। बहूत कुछ सोचने से अच्छा है कि कुछ करे और कुछ बन के दिखाए। ख्वाबो में घुमाने से अच्छा है की जो स्वप्न देख रहे है, दिन में अच्छा लगता है। पर उस स्वप्न को सच्ची हकीकत में बदने के लिए आगे बढना पड़ता है। बैठकर सोचने से कुछ नहीं होता है। जब तक तन और मन दोनों को सक्रीय नहीं करेंगे तब तक कुछ नहीं होने वाला है। प्रेरक उदहारण किसी से लेना बहूत आसान है। पर प्रेरणा के अनुरूप प्रेरणादायक उदाहरण बन के दिखाए तो किसी  का प्रेरणा कारगर हो। तब प्रेरक उदहारण जीवन में सफल होता है। 

प्रेरणा मन में हरदम कुछ न कुछ खिचड़ी पका रहा होता है। पर कभी उस खिचड़ी के स्वाद को भी लेने का प्रयास भी तो करे। 

आज कुछ स्वाद मिल जाता है तो उम्मीद पर पूरी दुनिया काबिज है। प्रयास से भले कल सफलता कम मिले पर कुछ दिन बाद खिचड़ी को स्वादिस्ट होने से कोई रोक नहीं सकता है। असफलता मन का डर है जो की निराशा को ही उत्पन्न करता है। साहस और प्रयास आशा की किरने है जो निडरता को उत्पन्न करता है। प्रयास स्वाबलंबी है। प्रेरणा मिलाने के बाद स्वाबलंबन कभी रुक नहीं सकता है। जिसने ठाना है वो तो जरूर कर गुजरेगा। तब न परवाह किसी डर का न असफलता का होता है। फिर जीत और सफलता किसी के रोके नहीं रुकेता है। प्रेरणा का यही तो मुख्य प्रभाव होता है।

प्रेरित होता हूँ। ये बात सुनकर की मन के हारे हार है मन के जीते जीत है। 

जब समझ सकारात्मक और स्वाभाविक है तो हारने का सवाल ही क्यों? उससे तो अच्छा है की उसे जीतने का प्रयास किया जाये। कर्महिनता हार के पहचान है। कर्मठता को जितने से कोई रोक नहीं सकता है। भले अध्याय कितना भी कठिन क्यों न हो। कर्मठता की प्रेरणा योग्य व्यक्ति को सफलता से कोई चूका नहीं सकता है। 

wireless headphone

ज्ञान (Knowledge) जीवन के विकाश और उन्नति के लिए अतिआवश्यक है ज्ञान श्रिस्ताचार सिखाता है अदब सिखाता है आचरण सिखाता है व्यवहार सिखाता है

ज्ञान (Knowledge)

विषयों के ज्ञान (Knowledge) के बिना एक अच्छा व्यवहार करने वाला व्यक्ति सफल कैसे हो जाता है?


ज्ञान जीवन के विकाश और उन्नति के लिए अतिआवश्यक है ज्ञान श्रिस्ताचार सिखाता है अदब सिखाता है आचरण सिखाता है व्यवहार सिखाता है बातचित करने की कला सिखाता है कोई भी विषय का ज्ञान अपने ज्ञान को बढ़ाने का ही काम करता है ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए विषय एक माध्यम होता है जिससे जीवन में ज्ञान का विकाश होता है


जीवन में ज्ञान के प्रभाव से रहन सहन में सृस्ताचार, अदब, आचरण, व्यवहार, सरलता, सहजता, निर्भीकता, जिज्ञासा जैसे महान गुण जीवन में स्थापित होते है जो ब्यक्ति को सफल और निर्भीक बनाता है इसलिए विषयों के ज्ञान के बिना एक अच्छा व्यवहार करने वाला व्यक्ति सफल हो जाता है

Ear buds

Hand warmer power gloves are essential for electrical work otherwise the rate of electric shock remains. generally the gloves made for the electrical worker are made of rubber and cloth

Which are the best hand warmers? 

To keep the whole body warm in the cold season, there are warm clothes, but it is necessary to keep the hands warm along with it, for this it is necessary to have a thick hand warmer with wool and deep weave. With a cover from above, it is very good for the people living in snowy areas. The outer cover should be water proof so that the hand warmer does not get wet due to the moisture of the snow. The same hand warmer is very good.

Hand warmer is very important

For the game of cricket, which has to bear every blow of the bat. Therefore, for cricket, there is a very thick hand warmer, which is also called hand gloves, in cold weather, hand gloves should also be according to the hand warmer. Which along with being warmer, should also have the ability to tolerate the hit of the ball.

Hand warmer power gloves are essential 

For electrical work. Otherwise the rate of electric shock remains. Generally, the gloves made for the electrical worker are made of rubber and cloth, rubber in the inner part and cloth in the outer part, which strengthens the rubber, which protects the hand from fire and electricity. Rubber protects against electric shock. Cloth is used in gloves but it is given to strengthen the rubber. Only rubber gloves are available from outside, in modern times only rubber gloves are available for electrical work because at present, by increasing the quality of rubber, gloves are made separately for electrical work. Which covers the hand more. lengthens.

Hand warmer can be used to heat the hand with the heater

Keeping the hand away from the heater is done. Due to the bad weather in the cold, only the cold hands feel the most. There are socks in the feet and the hands are open. Heater is available in every house in today's time or it can also be heated with hot water. Geyser is also available in every house, just have to go to the bath house, take some hot water in any vessel and warm your hands and then wipe with dry cloth. Heating the hands and feet with water also removes the tiredness of the body.

Hand warm gloves are good 

For those which are most beneficial for the warmth in the hand. At the time of cold, keep hands and feet warm, otherwise it may feel cold. If the hands and feet are kept warm, then it feels less cold than it, even if I am at the time of very cold.

Hand warmer pouch is the best way to warm hands and feet 

If there is any pain in any part of the body, then hand warmer pouch can be used by filling hot water wherever it is to be used. It is made of good rubber. The best of silicone would be good which never harms the body.



If there is any pain in any part of the body, then hand warmer pouch can be used by filling hot water wherever it is to be used.

Price: $20.41


Kitchen Faucet with Pull Down Sprayer feature is designed according to its rigid rubber sprayer hole to provide soft aerated stream splash-free powerful spray. The 360 ​​Degree

The kitchen tap is made of metal which can be turned around in any way whether up down right left front and back it is different from the spring it can be used in any way


Kitchen faucet 

Which is made of solid brass. In which there is never any rust. Stack brass is solid rustproof and durable. Brass is also considered good for household taps and drinking water taps.


Kitchen Faucet with Pull Down Sprayer 

Feature is designed according to its rigid rubber sprayer hole to provide soft aerated stream splash-free powerful spray. The 360 ​​Degree Kitchen Sink Faucet Sprayer Switch is designed to be positioned as per the peoples preference.


The house has been designed 

According to the use for women and housewives, so that it is easy to use this tap in the kitchen to wash dishes or wash vegetables, grains, apart from cleaning every small thing.


Black colored kitchen tap 

Belongs to an industrial unit. The kitchen faucet is designed with the convenience of an open spout to fit comfortably under most cabinets. Being an industrial unit, it is made very strongly. It can be easily installed in any factory, work shop and office basin.


Lead is not used in the manufacture of brass 

As per healthy quality. It is not harmful to health at all. Made from food grade PEX inner hoses, there is a black kitchen sink faucet that is capable of providing fresh and clean water.


Enjoy the healthy utility sink faucet 

Ceramic disc valve ensures durable performance for the life of the faucet. High performance aerator that exceeds industry longevity standards.

Kitchen faucets is one of the unique foliable tap for for water whch and easly move any ware at their place both side up and down

Price: $69.99

Skipping Rope should never be plastic, the rope is made of a special type of synthetic material. Plastic ropes are curved, which has a rate of twisting here and there after hitting the ground

Skipping rope reduces obesity. Jumping rope also burns excessive calories of the body. Rope spade is very necessary for the agility of the body.

The Skipping Rope should never be plastic, the rope is made of a special type of synthetic material. Plastic ropes are curved, which has a rate of twisting here and there after hitting the ground, which can also make the jumper fall. The jump rope should always be smooth.

Skipping Rope is very good if there is an open space for jumping rope, it gives fresh breath while jumping rope. Which has a good effect on the heart. The lungs and heart are not at risk of heart attack due to the passage of fresh air.

Skipping Rope must be some gap while jumping rope. After doing at least 40to 50times, stop for a while and try again. This maintains balance in the exercise.

Children and women must jump rope. You can jump rope anytime. There is no time fixed for this.

Jumping rope is a complete exercise with a cheap facility. Which is easy and available to all. It is easily available anywhere. Doesn't cost much either. You can jump rope cheaply. Not much information is needed for this. 



DEGOL, Skipping Rope with Ball Bearings, Rapid Speed Jump Rope, Cable and 6”, Memory Foam, Handles Ideal for Aerobic, Exercise, Like Speed, Training, Extreme, Jumping, Endurance, Training and Fitness, Gym




Resistance band chest fly chest fly exercises can be done with resistance bands mostly this exercise is done in the gym with the help of cable machine and dumbbells

Best chest exercises can be done in the gym to increase the mass of chest and muscles and to make a strong chest or you can also try to do chest exercise at home

Home Gym Equipment 

Helps a lot in staying fit while sitting at home. The most commonly used in home gym equipment is the resistance band which is made of silicone rubber. It's a great equipment for exercising in addition to barbells, dumbbells, or weight machines, allowing you to add many variations to your training. It also mainly helps in increasing the muscle fibre. We are telling you about chest exercises to be done with 'resistance or resistance bands'. By doing which you can make muscular and strong chest.


Home gym equipment helps a lot in staying fit while sitting at home. The most commonly used in home gym equipment is the resistance band which is made of silicone rubber. 

Price: $24.97

Resistance band push up

If you know how to do push-ups, then by using resistance bands, make it a little difficult. Push-ups done with resistance bands are also called banded push-ups. To do push-ups, you will need resistance bands according to your ability, which come in many types of bands. Depending on the thickness there are soft and hard. If you are doing banded push up for the first time, then first choose the thinnest resistance band, which is comfortable and suitable for you. Holding the band from behind over the upper back, hold it in both hands, then come into push up position, this will put more tension while doing push up. The resistance band will push down and the feel is better. During this you can do short-range burst push ups, full range of motion push ups.


Resistance band chest fly

Chest fly exercises can be done with resistance bands. Mostly this exercise is done in the gym with the help of cable machine and dumbbells, then it works on the chest muscles in the same way as you do chest fly exercise on flat bench with dumbbells. To do this, open the legs at shoulder level and wrap the band around your middle back and hold it with both hands. The resistance band will then pull your hands back. After this, you move the hands in a dumbbell fly-like position while turning the band slightly from the elbows to the hands. This will feel the stretch in your chest muscles. Keep in mind that while doing this exercise, keep the shoulder pulled down. This exercise gives a good stretch experience.


Resistance band floor press

Resistance band floor press exercise is a good exercise that creates tension on the chest and triceps muscles and also targets the shoulder muscles. Pushing is a limited range of motion exercise. Which helps a lot in reinforcing back tension and scapular retraction, similar to bench presses and push ups. To do the exercise, you have to lie on the ground and take the resistance band from behind the upper back and hold it with your hands. Now to do moves like barbell bench press or dumbbell press exercise.


Resistance band crossover

In gyms, this is done with weighted plates that are attached to a machine with handles, called a cable pulley machine. It is also called cable fly or crossover exercise. To do this exercise, wrap the band around the shoulder blade and then bring it from outside the triceps and hold it with both hands. To do this, bend forward while bending the knee and bring both the hands in front of the navel and pull the resistance band. This gives a good feel in the chest muscles.


Resistance band straight arm pull down

Resistance band straight arm pull downs are mainly considered to be an exercise of the back. But it is also very beneficial in chest workout. By doing this tension is also created on the chest muscles. The reason is that it helps to stabilize the shoulder and strengthen the muscles. Which helps the chest muscles during the pressing movement. The lats, serrates and scapular stabilizers from the exercises help immensely during exercises such as push ups, bench presses and flyes. Therefore this exercise should also be done.


make a strong chest or you can also try to do chest exercise at home

List Price: $14.95 Details

Price: $12.95

You Save: $2.00 (13%)




जीवन जब धाराशाही होता है।

आज देखा मैने ऐसी चिताओं को जलते जिसमे 20 साल की खून पसीने की की कमाई समाई थी। देखा दहकते उन् जज्बतो को जिसमे मन मेहनत और कलाओं के संगम को धा...