Friday, November 12, 2021

बचपन बाल्यावस्था किशोरावस्था युवावस्था अध्वेसावास्ता बृद्धवास्ता एक पूर्ण जीवन का ज्ञान है Life knowledge is Self Knowledge in Hole World

जीवन का ज्ञान ही आत्म ज्ञान है 

Life knowledge is Self Knowledge    

जीवन का ज्ञान समय-समय पर होने वाले परिवर्तन और उसके प्रभाव लोगों के जीवन को प्रभावित करते हैं। जीवन का ज्ञान परिभाषित करता है।  कल हम सब बचपन में थे। आज हम युवा हैं। और कल हम बूढ़े हो जाएंगे। अपना जीवन बीच में फंस हुआ है। यह सब पढाई लिखाई, बचपन में खेलकूद, मौज मस्ती और ऊपर से खिलौनों के बीच बीता हुआ जीवन आगे बढ़ते हुए नए रूप लेता है। दिन-ब-दिन अपने जीवन में कुछ न कुछ विकास होता ही रहता है। यही जीवन का ज्ञान है। जीवन के ज्ञान से हम सब आगे बढ़ते रहते हैं। वास्तविक जीवन के व्यक्तिगत सोच में सकारात्मक तरीके से जीते हैं।

ज्ञान के पवित्र तरीके जीवन के स्रोत आत्मज्ञान

Sacred Ways of Knowledge is Always Source of Life Enlightenment in Life

जीवन के ज्ञान स्रोतों के भी कई रूप रंग होते हैं। कभी हँसना, कभी मज़ाक करना, उदास होना, कभी रोना, रोते हुए भाग जाना, इन सब वातावरण के बीच अपना बचपन गुजरता है। ज्ञान के पवित्र तरीकों में स्कूल जीवन, आत्म ज्ञान हम सब अपने माता-पिता और शिक्षकों से प्राप्त करते हैं। बाकी स्कूल और कॉलेज से ज्ञान प्राप्त करते हैं। हमें पढ़ने-लिखने की शिक्षा मिलता है। इसी ज्ञान से अपना विकास होता है। इस तरह धीरे-धीरे बचपन के पिंजरे से बाहर आते है

जीवन के  स्कूल में मिलनेवाला आत्म ज्ञान

The School of Life Self Knowledge in Our Life

बचपन के बाद जीवन में स्कूल से आत्म ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है आम तौर पर अपने जीवन में एक ऐसा समय होता है। जिसमें हम सभी बार-बार गलती करते हैं। जीवन में ज्ञान प्राप्त करते हैं। जब तक किशोरावस्था गलतियाँ नहीं करता है। तब तक वास्तविकता का एहसास नहीं होता है। इसलिए माता पिता गुरुजन अपनी गलतियों को नज़रअंदाज़ कर देते हैं। आमतौर पर ज्यादातर मामलों में उन बच्चों को उनके माता-पिता और शिक्षकों द्वारा दंडित भी किया जाता है। लेकिन उन्हें उनके अधिकार पर गलत होने के लिए दण्डित किया जाता है। लेकिन वह भी स्कूल में या घर में अपने आत्म ज्ञान के विकास के लिए ही होता है। ताकि अपने को इस बात का एहसास होता रहे।  गलती की सजा होती है। जिससे सही और गलत का समझ बढ़ जाता है। वास्तव में मन जीत जाता है। यह समय एक तरह से दुविधाओं से भरा समय होता है। मन कुछ और सोचता है। होता कुछ और ही है। आत्मज्ञान जीवन की पाठशाला में सोच और समझ विकसित होता है। ताकि सही सोच और समझ का निर्माण हो और क्या सही है। विचार को लागू किया जा सके। यह समय ज्ञान को पूरी तरह से प्रकट कराता है। जिसके कारण किशोरावस्था आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त करता है। अपने नए जीवन में युवावस्था में प्रवेश करता है।

जीवन का आत्मज्ञान

 Self knowledge of life

युवावस्था में आत्मज्ञान का माध्यम और भी बढ़ जाता है। जब तक हम युवावस्था में आते हैं। क्या सही है? और क्या गलत है? इसका आभास होने लगता है। यह जीवन जिम्मेदारी से भरा हुआ है। सहज, सरल, एकाग्रता, जीवन, मृतु, प्रगति, पतन, दुःख, आनंद से भरा है। विवाह का समय आता है। यौवन का विकास होता है। जिसमें  ऐसा जीवन साथी मिले जो सुख-दुःख का साथी हो। परिवार के पालन-पोषण और बसने में बहुत बड़ा योगदान होता है। जिसके साथ जीवन भर बिताना होता है। जिसमें काम करने की जिम्मेदारी होता है। समाज में कैसे बैठते है। किससे कैसे बात करते है। यह सारी जानकारी इस युवावस्था में मौजूद है। जिससे जीवन का आत्मज्ञान विकसित करना है। परिपक्वता विकसित होती है। जीवन के आत्म ज्ञान में परिवार चलाने और देखभाल करने की जिम्मेदारी बढ़ जाता है। बालक को माता-पिता से और गुरुजन से ज्ञान  स्वयं अपने जीवन जीने का ज्ञान अपने बच्चे को सीखाते है। फिर वह ज्ञान अपने बच्चों को देकर उनका विकास करते है। 

जीवन के आत्म ज्ञान में विशेष ज्ञान का बहुत महत्व होता है

Particular Knowledge in Self Knowledge of Life 

युवावस्था के बाद जीवन के ऐसे आत्मज्ञान में बच्चे की शादी ब्याह, तीज त्यौहार समय समय होते है। सब लोग एक साथ आते हैं। परिवार के साथ-साथ समाज और लोगों के प्रति जिम्मेदारी भी बढ़ जाता है। ऐसे समय में सभी जिम्मेदारी और अस्तित्व को एक साथ संभालना होता है। कभी-कभी ऐसे जीवन में हमें शोक का भी सामना करना पड़ता है। यह जीवन का एक रंग ही होता है। जो हर किसी के जीवन में कभी न कभी आता है। हो सकता है ऐसे समय में घर के  बुजुर्ग अपने समय को पूरा कर रहे हों। समय पूरा करने के बाद वह अपने निवास को लौट जा है। उके जाने का प्रभाव व्यक्ति के पूरे परिवार पर पड़ता है। उस समय घर के सभी सदस्यों को सँभालते हुए ध्यान रखते हुए आगे बढ़ना होता है। इन सभी इकाइयों को पार करते हुए व्यक्ति आगे बढ़ना पड़ता है। जीवन और अंधविश्वास में गुजर बसर करते हुए समय व्यतीत होता है। जीवन का आत्म ज्ञान उन सभी तथ्य से ऊपर होता है।

जीवन के ज्ञान का अनुभव ही जीवन का अस्तित्व है

Experience of knowledge of life and Self Knowledge 

जीवन के आत्मज्ञान का एक ऐसा अनुभव जीवन के युद्ध से दूर हो जाता है। जब जाने वाले  अपने आश्रितों को सारी जिम्मेदारी देकर धीरे-धीरे उस धाम की ओर बढ़ता है। जहां से वह आया है। उसके लिए जीवन का माध्यम केवल ईश्वर की भक्ति ही होता है। फिर कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं होता है। कर्म का बोध हो तो कर्म होता है। जो उसके वाहन में होता है। आश्रितों और अपने परये को  को अपना जीवन का ज्ञान देने के बाद अपने वास्तविक ज्ञान को विकसित करने के बाद वे अपने निवास पर लौट जाते हैं। एक अबोध बालक के सामान कुछ समय के लिए बुध्दी विवेक हो जाता है वाही बुढ़ापा के बाद माहाप्रनायम को प्राप्त करते हुए अपने भौतिक देह का त्याग कर अपने लोक को जाते है मृतु को प्राप्त होते है। 


यह जीवन का एक आदर्श जीवन का आत्म ज्ञान है। 

बचपन किशोरावस्था जवानी की उम्र जवानी की उम्र सबसे कम उम्र बुढ़ापा एक पूर्ण जीवन का आत्म ज्ञान है



Inspiration sources of Inspiration somebody has a big hand behind the progress of life struggle happens in everyone's life


Sources of Inspiration  

Somebody has a big hand behind the progress of life. Struggle happens in everyone's life. The one who shows the right direction becomes the importance of the source of inspiration. Whether the source of inspiration of a good teacher can be found in the studies of the school. Or any such master who becomes a source of inspiration in the medium of knowledge. One's inspiration gives great knowledge. One who gets inspiration from knowing better than anyone in his life. So that makes your life successful.


The knowledge of any person does not come with birth

Knowledge has to be acquired in every aspect of life. Maturity in life is not achieved by mere bookish knowledge. With bookish knowledge, it is necessary to improve the mind, conscience, intellect, thinking, understanding, intuition, concentration, contemplation, contemplation, imagination, all. the area to which it is associated. Other people in that field who are successful or very successful in their business, work area. You also have to take knowledge from them. Their work area is understood. Meeting them, their knowledge and achievements are heard and understood. Considering his thoughts as knowledge, he is considered as a source of inspiration and moves forward. The source of inspiration is not only considered as knowledge. The source of inspiration is established in life by doing self-reflection. Considering the source of inspiration as important knowledge, he moves ahead in his field. Then the medium of achieving success in life is the source of inspiration.

Using your imagination should definitely exercise patience subject on working give hard work and time on your work

Use your imagination


At the present time of imagination

In the present time of your imagination, as the time is going bad. Especially in this pandemic where the whole world is busy. Service, business, everything is going on in turmoil. Only a few projects are running well. It is difficult to spend everyday time. In such a situation, to run the business of service, one has to believe in the inner soul itself. Where imagination flourishes. Where none of the imagination is going well. Imagine positive. Thoughtfully, where is the negative aspect being exposed. Consider that negative aspect. What is the way to be adopted so that there can be a change in that negative aspect. Listen to your mind in imagination. Try to find the solution of the question raised. Until a solution is found for it. Have a discussion. Even then, if you do not understand, then meet by knowing. who can answer your questions. In every change, new knowledge has to be acquired. Only then comes a new change in life.


Use your imagination as solution is being understood

Use your positive imagination. As the solution is understood. Activate your intellect and move forward. Keep the mind positive. A new question is arising. So find its solution. There is an answer to every question in the mind. The result must be found somewhere. Keep working in the right direction. Have patience and have complete faith in yourself. With constant effort of hard work, faith never goes in vain. Never be afraid of the passage of time. Ups and downs in life keep on coming. Understanding the state of time, change becomes necessary.

While using your imagination

You must be careful while using your imagination. subject on which you are working. Hard work and time should be given on your own work. For the success of your work, you must think. Unless the thinking is positive. The mind will not stay in one place. For the mind to stay in one place, it must be imagined for the success of its work. This is how you can use your imagination. You will definitely get success


Creative imagination fills color in a happy life people who are lacking in color form in life try to fill it through imagination

Creative imagination

Creative imagination fills colors in a happy life. 

The lack of color and form in life. People try to fill it through imagination. According to the creative imagination, the subject matter of the need is specially purchased. Makes your life happy. Balanced creative imagination fills happiness in human life. Everyone imagines. Whether it is a child or an old man, first of all, the color of life is moulded in the imagination itself. Then he tries to change his life accordingly.

Creative imagination also teaches man a lot in his life 

The first effect of creative imagination is on the idea. The art of talking chit gives a lot to man. Respect, respect, distinction of small and big is everyone's public, but through the tongue, the respect, respect, respect and belongingness that get knowledge through the tongue. Which cannot happen without creative imagination. No matter what the imagination is, all the time words emerge in the imagination. Therefore, the first effect of creative imagination falls on the tongue. Talking is positive. Positive thinking gives a lot of happiness to the mind. Every word of creative imagination reveals the lack of happiness in life. Man tries to fulfil the creative imagination.

Kingdom of imagination each and every part of life is surrounded by imagination we do as we think thinking is imagination we must imagine

Imagine yourself

The kingdom of imagination contains a lot. 

Every bit of life is surrounded by imagination. He does as he thinks. Thought is a form of imagination. Just want to imagine. The road to progress is only open to imagination. As long as you do not imagine, the feeling for that thing will not arise in the mind. Along with worldly imagination, one should also imagine oneself. Without it, knowledge can remain incomplete. Worldly imagination has both positive and negative imagery. Some wishes come true. Some wishes remain. Although works as per the imagination. Whether worldly imagination is balanced or unbalanced, it will be known only by imagining oneself. Otherwise the imagination can be beyond imagination. Then that wish will never be fulfilled. Like, balance is maintained at home, outside, in society, among people, in business. Similarly, imagination should also be kept balanced. Imagining about oneself will lead to knowledge about one thing at a time. You will know where what is going wrong. What's going on right? Which side should be active? Which is going wrong. Which work activity needs to be stopped. These things will be realized only by imagining about oneself. Along with maintaining balance in life, your imagination should also be balanced.

Basic knowledge is established in one's life through imagination why is imagination better than knowledge?

Basic knowledge imagination is better than knowledge

Imagination is better than knowledge 

Knowledge must be acquired. All actions happen with knowledge. Unless there is knowledge. Until then, no one can complete less. Whether small or big work is all connected with knowledge. Knowledge comes from reading and writing. Playing and jumping also gives a lot of knowledge. The body stays fit. The mind stays clear. The nervous system of the body remains active. Playing and jumping gives agility to the body. Knowledge is gained by jumping to play somewhere. Even if it is material knowledge. The first is the body. Everything is connected with the body. There is only knowledge. Talking to people in the society also gives new knowledge. What is good What's wrong There is knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge of rites is found in the house. Gains knowledge of respect. The mother loves the child and teaches him good things. This is also knowledge.

Knowledge is established in one's life through imagination 

Why is imagination better than knowledge? The question is very good. Knowledge is established in one's life through imagination. Suppose you are studying and writing. Giving exams is the main purpose of reading and writing. So as to get a place in the next class. Got good marks. For this one has to memorize the text of the subject. When the text of the subject is not remembered. Then your text is read again and again. Attempts are made to memorize the text of the subject in one's mind. Trying to remember is fantasy. When imagining. Then the words of the text of the subject begin to emerge in the mind. Because the mind has read many things in the text of the subject. Then the memory is refreshed by imagining. Knowledge is found at once. Until you refresh the knowledge. Until then, knowledge is no less. There is knowledge. So knowledge must be active. Until knowledge is activated. Until then, knowledge will be of no use. To activate knowledge, one has to imagine. So imagination is better than knowledge.

Mind is the gateway to knowledge imagination is the door to knowledge mind does not take something in itself

Real life door of knowledge or the gateway of knowledge that is right

Mind is the gateway to knowledge. Imagination is the door to knowledge. 

As long as the mind does not take something in itself. Until then the fantasy will not be meaningful. The mind keeps a lot inside itself. But the active will be the one who gets absorbed in the imagination. Imagination is an extension of the mind. The mind can also create puzzles. Imagination can even break the treaty. The door is the mind itself. The origin is imagination. Until moral and knowledge will not go inside. Till then, how will the dimension of knowledge be formed in the origin of imagination? Meaning is to reach the source. One can also come back after going inside the entrance. But not everyone gets a chance to move in the origin. The mind can go away with pomp. Whatever goes in the imagination will only expand. Everyone's point of view is his own. The loser of the mind is the winner of every mind. Self-reliance will increase knowledge. Action lessness will create ostentation. Only those who can understand, if they are not wise, then everyone else understands.

Fat contribute to the development of knowledge question is wonderful such question arises that what should be the answer

How does fat contribute to the development of knowledge?

The question is wonderful. When some such question arises that what should be the answer. 

The question becomes great then. As long as the thinking does not prevail in the mind. After all, how does fat contribute to the development of knowledge? I understand that the root of knowledge is fat. Emotion of mind, conscience, intelligence, imagination, thinking, understanding, happiness, sorrow. Laughing, crying, progress, degradation, what is all this? In what language will you understand all this? So you get the correct answer. Knowledge is all knowledge. Significance, feeling, feeling, pleasant moment, as one enters or transits in life. So man has knowledge of it. If knowledge is understood, then no one has been able to complete any definition of knowledge till date. Knowledge is infinite. Which has no end. Which no one has understood till date. From where did the knowledge come and where will it go? I consider knowledge as a phenomenon. which happens automatically. Whatever you try, there will be profit or loss. The decision has to be taken by the mind. What does the mind like? Everything is knowledge. as desired. The result of knowledge is the same.

How does fat contribute to the development of knowledge? 

Yoga means to join. When something adds to life. And some walk away from life. Coming and going goes on. And the one who stops. She understands that it is her own home. Who shows the way? Mind, intellect and imagination are the three important choices. The mind gives air to the imagination, the result of the imagination falls on the intellect. Wisdom becomes in tune with the mind. Similarly, fat is an element. The soil element is his identity. The result of Vasa is greasy, fat, fat, fat, fertile, gross, fat fresh, which one can understand. There is no restriction. The unsuitable energy of the mind that flourishes in the mind. which is of no use. In the imagination, the event is allowed to happen. Whom they always care about. Such is the thinking. Everyone goes on thinking. Nothing happens in the name of work. One has to feel happiness or sorrow just by thinking about the incident. Which has no place in real life, but it is also of no use. The event keeps happening in the mind. When thinking has a powerful effect on the mind. When by the influence of thinking, the mind immediately feels happiness and sorrow. So will the unsuitable event not have an effect on the body? Due to worry, the body melts into a pyre. This is a direct example. Many people see and understand the knowledge of such incident. The knowledge of inappropriate events is also among these. The one who settled in his mind made his home. With morale, many people reduce the feeling of happiness and sorrow. What's going on inside someone's mind? Doesn't even let you know. The spirit of the mind accepts that event. Then there is less pain in the mind. The outside is not visible to others. Due to the frequent occurrence of such an event, the fat content can also increase with an inappropriate event. In the development of knowledge, fat can also take in itself the energy created by unsuitable events. Energy should be used for knowledge. Energy can be converted from one dimension to another. Energy can never be wasted. It will show some unsuitable energy effect somewhere.

Imaginative positive or negative Imaginative qualities are both positive and negative, thinking is completely based on understanding and actions of the mind

Is imaginative positive or negative quality?

Imaginative is positive or negative quality

Imaginative qualities are both positive and negative. Thinking is completely based on understanding and actions of the mind. As is the feeling of the mind. Thinking gives the same effect. The result of which falls on the imagination. Imagination is a feeling of the inner mind. Which gives a signal to the inner mind through imagination to the feelings of the outer mind. Imagination has an effect on the external mind. The external mind works according to the imagination. Imagination being positive or negative is based on the actions of the mind. The human external mind resides in the conscious mind. The conscious mind is active. All external events have an effect on the external conscious mind. The effect in the life of man is according to knowledge. As man has knowledge, what his outer conscious mind accepts, so does his feeling. It can be both positive or negative depending on the time. The mind works through the senses of the external conscious mind. Imagination serves to increase dynamic work. When a person imagines, the effect of the external mind also falls on the imagination. Due to which the interruption of the imagination or the frequent changing of the subject, the subject which is not pleasing to the mind comes to the fore. This type of effect occurs again and again in the imagination. Which is a negative quality. A person who is aware of the happenings during the imagination, in whom there is knowledge. What's right what's wrong? So, being conscious of the happening event, he keeps moving forward looking at the incident. He knows what to accept. And what to leave? Only then is it a balanced and positive imagination. By keeping the mind conscious of the external event of such a person. To keep the imagination clean and balanced, it is very important to have a balanced mind. Whether it is the outer mind or the inner mind, both are active, the work is successful only when the outer mind and the inner mind are the same. So there is no hindrance in that work. goes on continuously. The imbalance of inner and outer mind creates hindrance in work. Imagination is the link between the inner mind and the outer mind that arises out of thinking. Due to which the attempt to control both the mind, which is according to the action and the event. Therefore through knowledge the outer mind is kept alert. So that there is no hindrance or hindrance in the imagination. The external mind can be controlled by knowledge. That is why one should always move towards knowledge. Thus imaginative can be both a positive and a negative quality.

Benefits of buying a property in the park of Knowledge In the enjoyment of knowledge the property is real that it should be pleasant

What are the benefits of purchasing property in knowledge park?


The benefits of buying a property in the Park of Knowledge

In the enjoyment of knowledge, the property is real that it should be pleasant. The park of knowledge. So Palace should also be attractive to the mind. If it is in a garden of flowers, it should also be fragrant. If you are in the orchard of fruits, then even sweet juicy fruits should be mixed with food. It is imperative to have trees and plants in the garden. To look beautiful even from a distance, the show should be good. There should also be a gardener in the garden.

Everything is available in the park of knowledge. If we look at life from the point of view of knowledge 

in order to look good, first of all one must be positive in mind, deed and words. If the mind is cool and seductive, it will automatically become fragrant. To cool the mind, throw out all the garbage that is in the mind. Otherwise, this will become a tree and a rudder. Therefore, always keep cleaning the tree and the hull. So that trees and plants can grow properly in the park of knowledge. Coolness of mind teaches knowledge. Which makes the mind attractive. Like a fragrant flower, it becomes the center of attraction among everyone. The knowledge that comes out of such a person's knowledge, thinking, understanding, wisdom is only suitable and beneficial like a sweet juicy fruit. The gardeners of the park of such knowledge are loyal people.

Life should be for the good. Everything in the world can be bought. 

You can never buy a natural gift. Knowledge, imagination, thinking, understanding, intellect, conscience, all these are the gifts of nature. It is established in life through awareness, spontaneity, humility, nature. Put any price in the world on it and buy the natural quality. If there is anyone like this, please let us know. We are also very curious. These qualities of knowledge are now available in the market. So there is no question in my view of buying a property in the Park of Knowledge. But you can establish wealth in your life in the park of knowledge.


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